It’s also worth mentioning that it’s convenient to keep an environment variable file that you can load.

p (lower case) or -publish that will tell Docker to use ports you manually set and map them to the exposed containers ports. In any case, if you’re having the same issue, double checking that it’s not a config issue (echo $KUBECONFIG) is the easiest first step before diving into the more involved solutions. You need to publish the exposed ports by using the following options: -P (upper case) or -publish-all that will tell Docker to use random ports from your host and map them to the exposed containers ports. I also wrote a quick Bash script that can do this on startup as well as loop through and load multiple config files in the case where it’s easier to keep them as separate files. I'm trying to attach a xtermjs browser terminal to a Docker container's shell, and the process involves using a Websocket to attach to the container. Connection refused on docker container You need to publish the exposed ports by using the following options: -P (upper case) or -publish-all that will tell Docker to use random ports from your host and map them to the exposed container's ports. There are several ways to add it permanently, but I chose to merge it with my default config file. When you restart, this variable is cleared and has to be added again through the above command (happened as well for me on Linux).
I’m on a mac managing a remote cluster, and I used export KUBECONFIG=~/my-config-file.yml. I can confirm that, for me at least, this is a configuration issue. $ scp /root/.kube/config scp /root/.kube/config more:( connection to the server ip:6443 was refused - did you specify the right host or port) Meanwhile found the 'docker' one, and it runs fine. As it turns out, I was following the wrong installation procedure. Messaging protocols supported by RabbitMQ use TCP and require IP routing.

As another test, I ran a Redis cache container, and get the same results (see below). When I try to access WordPress, from my browser, or the curl command line, I get 'connection refused.'. My setup is as follows: Intel NUC with Proxmox running several VMs, all network traffic from the VMs is redirected to 192.168.1.
$ kubeadm join -token s7apx1.mlxn2jkid6n99fr0 \ A docker installation was the idea from the beginning (I have already running something else). The connection fails (refused by the OS) since there is no process listening on. On my Macbook Pro running Mac OS X El Capitan, with a Docker Host running inside VirtualBox, I created a MySQL and a WordPress container. Hi all, I’m trying for a lot of hours to get NGINX working to get a secure connection to my home assistant server. $ sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config $ sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/nf $HOME/.kube/config